Real Estate Law

Real estate legal advice, without losing the inherent agility to close deals, recommending guarantees and measures to eliminate, mitigate and compensate the associated risks.

Real estate legal advice, without losing the inherent agility to close deals, recommending guarantees and measures to eliminate, mitigate and compensate the associated risks.

For every business a safe and agile solution

Our performance ends up being an important differential, as we add quick solutions for each kind of challenge found in real estate negotiations.

Specialized and extensive real state law

  • Real estate and due diligence legal advisory;
  • Urban and rural land regularization
  • Judicial and extra-judicial prescription;
  • Allotments and land subdivision;
  • Real estate incorporation;
  • Specification and institution of condominium;
  • Rectifications of real estate areas, registration of constructive improvements and renovations, unifications, subdivisions, dismemberments, and real estate registrations in general at the Register of deeds;
  • Real Estate Contracts;
  • Judicial litigation - eviction suits, renewal suits, revisions of rental contracts, possessory suits, demarcation suits, claim suits, discriminatory suits, expropriation suits, among others.

Agrarian Law - Solutions for each sector of agribusiness

Strategic solutions for the legal security of companies and rural producers in agribusiness.

Agribusiness Law

  • Real estate and due diligence legal advisory, with risk analysis and drafting of typical and atypical contracts;
  • Special projects for land regularization, titling of vacant land and judicial and extra-judicial prescription  of private land;
  • Rectifications of real estate areas, registration of INCRA’s georeferencing certificate, unifications, dismemberments, and registrations in general at the Register of deeds;
  • Agrarian conflicts with traditional communities and social movements;
  • Legal advice on agrarian leasing contracts, partnership, concessions of the real surface right, purchase and sale of rural products, rendering of services, guarantee operations and rural credit titles, among others, of the agribusiness;
  • Tax and environmental consultancy added to the agribusiness;
  • Judicial litigation - possession, demarcation, claim, discrimination, expropriation and administrative easement actions, among others;
  • Renegotiation and revision of agribusiness banking contracts lawsuits;
  • Full assistance with government agencies, autarchies, regulatory agencies and notories;
  • Judicial or extra-judicial collection of credits from contracts and credit titles related to agribusiness;

End-to-end consulting and advisory services

One of the great differentials of our advisory services is the application of procedures that bring together all the legal variables that affect the effectiveness of real estate business, in all its phases.

Regularity and risk analysis > Business decision making > Formalization and regularization

Due diligence legal

DDL is a real estate investigation service consisting by multiple diligences (including notarial), specialized analysis, history survey and production of legal opinion through a risk matrix discussed and consolidated with the client.
Provided by a multidisciplinary technical team, it aims for a study of legal feasibility for real estate negotiations.

Cartorary searches

All notary formalities, including a survey of updated certificates of the property's history and owners or possessors.

Dominial regularity

Documentary analysis of the real estate titling, including analysis of the succession chain and legitimacy of the public registries, including before INCRA, SPU and state agencies. 

Environmental compliance

Full legal-environmental counseling for the identification of liabilities, verification of the environmental suitability for the development of the intended activity, aiming the 
achievement of opportunities for regularization.

Analysis of authorizing administrative acts - environmental licensing and authorizations - specially protected areas, protection of cultural heritage, vegetation stages.

Fiscal and tax regularity

Full legal-environmental counseling for the identification of liabilities, verification of the environmental suitability for the development of the intended activity, aiming the 
achievement of opportunities for regularization.

Analysis of authorizing administrative acts - environmental licensing and authorizations - specially protected areas, protection of cultural heritage, vegetation stages.

Assertive Diagnosis

The entire procedure is concluded with an assertive diagnosis, which lists the risk degree of the acquisition, the necessary remedial measures, alternative solutions for liabilities (prior to formalization), as well as the respective action plan to make the business viable.
The diagnosis presentation consists of customized instruments according to the risk matrix and dynamics of negotiation previously consolidated with the cliente.

Formalization and regularization of acquisitions, sales and alienation

From the decision-making resulting from the diagnosis pointed out, we develop the legal business drafts that formalize the real estate business. In the construction of the operations, we elaborate the titles of domain and possession, as well as the deeds of guarantee. We present formalization solutions from the legal business draft to its registration and execution, including notary formalities.

Special projects for acquisition and sale

  • Elaboration of plan of action for acquisition or sale;
  • Definition of area/property quantity;
  • Consolidation of locational alternatives;
  • Definition of the modal priority of legal business to be celebrated;
  • Mapping of external factors;
  • Identification of the involved agents and agencies;
  • Legal analysis of the property's suitability for the intended purpose;
  • Definition of measurable indicators in the performance schedule.
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