Asset Management

The asset management of your family or your company gets special attention at Mosello Advocacia. Our team of professionals has experience in specific planning related to estate matters.

The asset management of your family or your company gets special attention at Mosello Advocacia. Our team of professionals has experience in specific planning related to estate matters.

We take care of the strategic alignment for the adoption of new legal structures that involve familiar or corporate governance that can generate more efficiency under all the legal aspects of people's assets, whether they are individuals or legal entities, besides suggesting legal security measures prior to the execution of businesses or various transactions.

Regarding the corporate aspects, our performance includes:

  • Legal advice on corporate reorganization, such as spin-off, merger, and transformation of family-controlled companies for succession, tax planning, or asset organization;
  • We offer robust legal advice on the establishment of means of investment on  companies that concentrate real estate holdings or operating companies such as holding companies;
  • We analyze and draft shareholders' or quotaholders' agreements to regulate the relationship between partners regarding corporate resolutions, election of managers, and transfer of shares/quotas, preemptive rights, and options for purchase or sale.

In the spoce of family and sucession rights our expertise includes:

  • Full advisory services for the execution of prenuptial agreements, stable union contracts, divorce agreements, and the institution of exempt property.
  • Documentary analysis of real estate assets that can generate income through purchase and sale, leasing, development, usufruct institution, among other legal business modalities.
  • In the judicial sphere, we handle the change of matrimonial regimes, as well as judicial and extra-judicial inventories and divorces.
Our Partners

Leandro Henrique Mosello Lima

Leandro Henrique Mosello Lima

(73) 98861.3609
(73) 3281.3609

Thiago Giuberti Suaid

Thiago Giuberti Suaid

(73) 98881.9422
(71) 3022.5108

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